Rowse Honey Ltd., The Three Bears


Reimagining the fairytale story of the three bears, this ad has three gay bears -- Matt, Joel and Phil -- living together in a cabin in the woods, but no Goldilocks. The bears still eat porridge in three sizes of bowls (dousing it with honey) and having a good time camping it up taking selfies and riding a three-person bicycle.

“We knew that casting would make or break the campaign,” BMB creative chief Jules Chalkley told Adweek. “It was important to find the characters that would make it feel authentic and genuine, who we could trust to accurately represent the gay bear community. Their chemistry was absolutely everything. We also wanted to find people with a genuine passion for food, the great outdoors and fitness. Each episode, while entertaining, needed to be informative and useful.”

Matthew Lister, one of the campaign’s shaggy stars, also told Adweek, “Recently, LGBT people have appeared at the forefront of several advertising campaigns. That said, it seems certain groups have been underrepresented in the media, which is why I jumped at the opportunity to feature in The Three Bears. The filming process reminded me a bit of my experience of the bear community. We arrived on the first day not knowing each other, but everyone was easygoing and welcoming. Very quickly the banter and camaraderie between us all developed, and by the end we all felt like great mates.”

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